Winding Down in Peng Chau

The boat glides through the relatively calm waters of Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour at a constant speed heading to the west. Screens onboard are playing videos to keep passengers entertained, or at least that’s what I think I see. I’m not paying attention to any […]


Eating Well in Siem Reap

In July 2011, when I was in Cambodia during a week-long whirlwind backpacking trip across three Southeast Asian countries, I took a photo of the dish above. Called lok lak, it was touted as the country’s national dish and it happened to be the only […]


Kbal Spean & Ancient Khmer’s Holy River

When Jayavarman II united the Khmer people and founded a kingdom at the turn of the ninth century, he would probably have never imagined that centuries later his country would eventually become the mighty Khmer Empire, nor would he have envisioned that his nation would […]


The Revival of a Waterfront

Jakarta is hot and humid all year round, but I wasn’t prepared for what Kaohsiung had in store in late September and early October. When James and I were walking along its harbor on a sunny day, I kept thinking of how sweltering this part […]


In Remembrance of My Mother

“What is your hobby actually?” This was a question I asked my mom a long time ago with me expecting her to say cooking, singing, or dancing. But she didn’t even need one second to reply. “Putting on make up!” she answered spontaneously, followed by […]


Marks of An Empire, Kaohsiung

Toward the end of the 19th century, East Asia was a very turbulent place with two main powers – the Empire of Japan and the Qing dynasty of Imperial China – scrambling for influence and control over the lands between them. The Korean Peninsula, in […]


Reconnecting with Hong Kong

Four years of not returning to a place is a long time for someone who used to go there almost every year. That is how I felt about Hong Kong, a fascinating city which was at a crossroads during my last visit before the pandemic. […]


Kaohsiung’s Humble Beginnings

Big cities often have humble beginnings. Manhattan was once a land where the local Lenape people harvested wood for their bows, while Tokyo and Dubai used to be merely fishing villages. Kaohsiung, an economically-important industrial hub whose port is the largest in Taiwan, is no […]


Trying to Love Jakarta, Again

It was three months ago when the idea of writing this post crossed my mind. At that time, the air pollution in Jakarta, a city I’ve called home since 2008, was at its worst in recent years. Videos circulating online taken by airplane passengers showed […]


A Second Rendezvous with Taiwan

It was 10 years ago when I visited Taiwan for the first time. While Taipei 101 was impressive with its cool architecture evoking a Chinese pagoda, the gloomy skies and rainy weather of the country’s capital were persistent. Luckily the trip also included a short […]